Gam gai

It's the best number in this temple!
It says you're getting married this year
That's crazy! With whom?
Just find someone! Or you'll be cursed
But you've just say I got the best number!
It's a curse
You sure
you're any making sense here?!

Reading fortune sticks is a
very complicated science

I am Mr. Wong, not Mr. Wrong
If it didn't come true. come
kick my ass next year!

So I shall get married this year?
To be an eligible potential bride ---
--- I shall become someone proper
Starting with getting myself a proper job
Kum, stocking up condoms?
Kum, I saw your new pornsite!
Kum, great costume! Let's do more
role-play at your place later tonight

Forget to tell you, this is

I'm only here to buy Pomlemon drink
It's on the other aisle. Kum!

A bit further...
I thought I was a low-key prostitute
Turns out. I was red hot

Subject to popular demand, I returned
to my improper trade

Mr. Chow!
You've scared me--- what are
you doing here so late?

It's Chinese Valentine's day today
Since we are both lonesome singles,
I've come to cook you a good meal

Let's have some
good family fun together

Let me help you
