Gam gai

Next thing you' gonna say is
cancer killed too

Of course cancer killed!
Back then...
Everybody went crazy
Hong Kong is under the attack of SARS
12 more people died of SARS today
5 had no complications
with any other diseases

31 more cases are confirmed
with SARS infection today

Antibody to the virus is still not found
in any human subjects

One Cathay Pacific flight attendant
was confirmed with SARS infection

The death toll continues to rise steadily
With the addition of 6 new
deaths reported yesterday---

The overall fatality rate is reaching 6%
I've got customer!
Don't close the shop till I get back
4 minutes and 48...4 minutes and 49...
4 minutes and 50...4 minutes and 51...
No rush, take it easy
You... aren't you...
I work part-time in the diner downstairs
Sorry to keep you waiting
Don't you remember me?
Sure, you're one of my regulars!
Scrub your shoes on the sterilizing
mat before you come in

Better be safe than sorry
This way please --- and your name?
I am Chan
Nice place
Can I take your temperature?

You don't mind, do you?
Let me take yours too...
I have my own...
Your thermometer is nice

37.3 degrees Celsius
I win, 97 degrees, Fahrenheit
We are both fine then!
Let's take a shower

With germs everywhere, I'd better
shampoo your hair too

Take off your glasses
Be careful with my eyes
Of course.
