Gam gai

What are you doing?
Why did you rub my armpit with brandy?!
Brandy can boost your hair growth
Let's wait n' see
You, pervert!
I'm dying here, and you're
putting a nail to my coffin?!

Gimme a break! Go find
yourself a hairy chick!

You're sick?
I am dying!
I could be having SARS...
Don't die, honey...
Don't leave me!
I have an idea!
Wait for me. I will be back soon!

Get in!
Keep quiet!

Kum!... you keep quiet!
What is it?

What are you doing?
I've brought you Hong Kong's
best SARS doctor. Dr Man Ko!

Why cover his head with a plastic bag?
Not just one! Here's another one!
Take it off!
And one more
from the convenient store!

Let me take it off
You're not the Dr Ko I saw on TV!
Dr Ko ain't handsome!

I'm Dr Ko. W. Man: not Ko. F. Man

But it says Ko, F. Man
on your clinic door!

It says Ko, W. Man!
F. for Forever Man, W for Water Man!
What 'you doing?...
Pardon me. excuse me

Hurry up and let him go,
you troublemaker!

Can't you see she is very sick?
You're a doctor! Go help her!

Get into the room...Go diagnose her!
Excellent! Lots of ear wax...
Good girl...
