Girl Fever

A Vietnam war memorial.
Do you like music?
What are you doing back there?
Getting ready to battle
in the corporate jungle?

ls that your war paint?
God. l don't know why l even try.
Do you mind if l call China?
Hey, why do you have your
pager number in speed dial?

0h my God!
- What are you doing?
- Nothing. l mean...

l was just trying
to make conversation.

How come you won't
give me the time of day?

Just give me my coffee.
No, not until you give me
some answers.

- Give it to me.
- No.

Give me some straight answers
or the expresso gets it.

Look, l got a lot on my mind today...
and l don't have time to deal
with somebody like you.

Someone like me? Are you saying
l'm a lowly delivery guy?

l don't get it. You women
have always been treated like crap...

by your boys club bosses and now
that you career girls are on top...

why do you treat people
the same way?

Maybe l wouldn't have to act
like such a bitch on wheels...

if you guys weren't so angry
that l made more money than you.

- Now give it to me!
- Pretty cranky in the morning.

Need your caffeine fix, huh?
You know what makes me angry
with women sometimes?

l am a gentleman, l always
open doors for women.

But when awoman is in front of me
in an entrance...

9 times out of 10 she doesn't
hold the door open for me.

You want men to treat you as equals
but you won't give us equal treatment!

- What do you want?
- Respect!

A ''hello, how are you?''
would be great for starters.

0kay, how about a
''goodbye, and to hell with you''?

The plumber will pay me!
