Grabben i graven bredvid

ln small doses, you get used to them.
What's this...?
"A false image, eight letters."
Bengt-Göran has helped me out
a lot since Dad died.

- And Violet...
- Makes great meatballs.

They're decent people.
But if you gave Bengt-Göran
a lobotomy with a chainsaw-

- no one would know the difference,
not even him.

Look what I found
when I was cleaning.

Take a look...
This is me when I was about three.
Quite a guy, huh?
I'm eight, and that's a Concord.
That's fifth grade. I'm over here.
Great sweater, isn't it?
Oh, your last report card.
This I've got to see.
Swedish, an A. Math, an A.
More A's and one B...

Child care, an A...
But good Lord...
- Your grades are fantastic.
- Did you think I was an airhead?

lt's a crying shame that your parents
didn't let you stay in school.
