Hable con ella

Don't tell me anything.
I know what I am doing.

Nino should concentrate.
He doesn't want any more worries.

Nothing to worry about. He should
just come to pick up his stuff.

-Or tell me where to send them.
-Send them at my place.

He, himself, should say so.
This is nothing to do with you.

You can leave whenever you want.
-Good evening.
-Scotch on the rocks, please.

-What glass do you prefer?
-A tall one.

Can I talk to you for
a minute, please?

Forget it. When something is
over, it's over.

-What are you saying?
-Can I talk to you?

If you take me to Madrid,
we can talk on the way.

It will be my pleasure.
-Who named you Lydia;
-My father.

It's as if he sealed your destiny.
He always wanted to be a bullfighter,
but stayed a banderillero.

He is the one that was there
for me, more than anyone else.

But he died last year.
I am sorry.
'El Pais' wants me to do a profile
on you for their Sunday issue.

Do you write on bullfighting?
I don't know your name.

To be honest,
I know nothing of it.

But I know a lot about
desperate women.

And who told you I am

-This is the impression I have.
-Bullfighting doesn't interest you.

You are interested in my
relationship with Nino Valencia.

Tell EI Pais to leave me alone!
