Half Past Dead

Please Identlfy yourself.
- Kestner, Damon J.
- Access denled.

You gotta say it louder.
Kestner, Damon J.
Volce and handprlnt
recognltlon conflrmed.

Let me handle this guy.
Make sure he's dead.
Let it be. Is blood money.
Got yourself born again
since you came to prison?

I found God, yes.
There is no God.
I told you no last week.
If you're going to kill me, do it.
I'm dead already.

Are you going to take me
to the gold? Yes or no?

Yes or no?
I can't kill you, Lester.
I need you.
But there's a lot of innocent
people here I just don't need.

I'm what shrinks call sociopathic.
Know what that means?

It means I can kill everybody
in this room and not feel bad about it.
