Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets
that's a start
but you heard McGonagall
welcome home!
but we are not allowed to leave tower except class
I think
it's the time to get my dad's old cloak again
up up
it's not working
who's there?
hello? hello?
try that tree!
stop, stop, stop!

what's that for?
oh, nothing,
I've being expecting..., and
it doesn't matter, come on in
just made a pot of tea
Hagrid, are you ok?
I'm worried, I am all right
did you hear about Hermone?
oh, yeah, I heard about that, all right
look, we have to ask you something
my wand....
look at my wand
thanks this wand for your neck

do you know who's opened the chamber of secrets?
what's happenning?
I don't know

what you have to understand about that is
quick, under the cloak
don't say a word, quiet, both of you
proffessor Dumbledor, sir
good evening, Hagrid
I wonder, could we?..
of course,come in
come in
that's dad's boss
Cornelius Fudge,
the Minister of Magic!
Bad business, Hagrid,Very bad business.
Had to come. three attacks on Muggle-borns.
come on, go, fast
Things've gone far enough. Ministry's got to act.
I never,You know I never, Professor
I want it understood, Cornelius,
that Hagrid has my full confidence
