Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

what's going on there? go out of my way, my way, my way
I, eh, I am 'eh,going to have to do the thing to you
don't even think about it
Potter? what do you......
that's Mrs.Norris
you murdered my cat
oh, who's there?
no, no
oh, hello,Harry
I'll kill ya
what do you want?
I'll kill ya!
to ask you how you died?

it was dreadful
every one will proceed to dormitory immediately,
it happened right here in this dirty cubicle
every one, except,
I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses
you three
...Gryffindors, follow me...

I was crying
then I heard somebody come in
who was it, Myrtle?
I don't know
she is not dead, Argus
I was distrought!
she has been petrified
ah, Potter,so unluck I wasn't there
but they said something funny a kind of madeup language,
I know the exact the countercurse that could've spare her
and I realized it was a boy's speaking
so I unlocked the door to tell him, "go away"
but how she's been petrified, I can not say
and , I died..
ask him
he must've done it, you saw what he wrote on the wall
just like that, how?
it is not true, sir, I swear
I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes.
I've never touch Mrs. Norris
over there by that sink
If I might, Headmaster?
perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time
the circumstances are suspicious
I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner

I am afraid that's my doing, Severus
you see, Harry's helping answer my fan mail
that's why Ron and I're looking for him,professor
this is it
we just found when he said
this is it,Ron,I think this is the entrance of chamber of secrets
yes, Mrs Granger?
when I said I wasn't hungry
say something
we were heading back to common room when we found Mrs. Norris
Harry, say something in Parseltongue.
