Hollywood Ending

Hal's very smart, and he's
a brilliant deal maker.

Yes, I know.
He's been audited by the best.

He has made some pretty
financially successful
American films.

That should tell you
all you need to know about him.

He's the white line
down the middle of the road.

You had your little flirtations
too. There was that-that
Italian model.

No. You were the only one
that I was serious with. My God.

Until you suddenly became
noncommunicative, nonresponsive
and you dumped me...

The movie is going to be
a fun movie to do, I think.

Um, and I have a lot
of ideas that I think
we should discuss.

Good. Absolutely. I just
wanted to assure you that once
the studio agreed to you...

you'll have their
full support and...
[Heavy Breathing]

Well, thank you very much.
I want a... I think I want
a foreign cameraman.

- That's no problem.
- Because they get a texture
into the work...

that you would never get
with an American cameraman.

They have a certain mobility.
I remember coming home
and I picked up the extension...

and there you are
on the other end of
the extension with this guy.

I'm calling and I hear my wife
in a lovey-dovey with her lover,
saying she misses her lover.

- He wasn't my lover yet.
- Bull! He was your lover.
What are you telling me?

And I recognize the voice.
It's Hal Yeager
from Galaxie pictures.

And I'm thinking to myself,
"Why is my wife talking
like that to Hal Yeager for?"

They're making me a surprise
party. I thought they were
making me a surprise party.

- Were they?
- No. She was having an affair
with Hal Yeager.

- Follow the story.
Jesus, I can't believe this...
- I'm getting out of here.

Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
We're discussing a movie.

- No, I'm sorry. I just...
- What about...

I'll be back and forth from L.A.
and I won't bother you...

and I'll see to it that nobody
gets in your way creatively.

- What about Denise Daniels
as the blackmailer?
- Possibly. If you like.

I think she would be great.
You know what I mean?
Or Sarah Bedloe.

She would be very interesting.
She... I pick up the phone
and she's talking...

I'm going to order a corn beef
sandwich, she's talking to
her lover on the phone.

- Look, I'll be back from L.A.
in two weeks...
- This is gonna be a fun picture.

- It'll be great.
We're all very excited.
- I'm looking forward to it.

About Hal Yeager. The word
on him is cross-dresser.
Check it out for me.

I pick the phone up
and she...

- Hal, we're off to
a really good start here.
- Tell me about it, honey.
