Hollywood Ending

- I'm probably going
to knock him over.
- Where is the translator?

- Excuse me.
He's supposed to be on set.
- [All Talking]

- Sir, I have a very important
message for you.
- Important message for me?

Um, I'm here to help you.
I know about your secret.

Very good. That was terrific.
Was it very good?
Was it very good?

Well, I don't see
the dramatic impact of it.

But it did seem a little
improvement from
the random chaos...

-you were encouraging.
- Oh, thank you. You didn't
like the random chaos, huh?

Let's... Can we go again?
Just for safety, one more?

Okay, sir,
we're approaching
a hallway right now.

So we're
gonna walk slowly.
There's nobody here.

- Practically nobody.
- Okay.

- Be careful.
- I'm trying to be casual,
but it's extremely difficult.

- Oh, I know that...
- Ooh! Sorry.
Boss, you all right?

Yes. No, I'm fine.
It was my fault completely.
I forgive you.

Sir, he's gone.
He's not there anymore.
You're talking to air.

Why didn't you warn me?
I thought you saw him.
This is very weird for me.

You thought I saw him?
How am l...

- A few summers ago
I did aid a deaf uncle.
- You're going too fast.

Okay, slowly, slowly.
It's very weird.

I was helping out
a deaf uncle
a few summers ago...

but we didn't have
to hide it like this.

Oh,Jesus, this is great.
Val, you wanna go
with this one tomorrow
or the big one?

Uh, well...
- Wow. These are beautiful
pocket watches.
- Thanks.

I would go
with the big one.

Val, um, how'd you
feel the first day went?

The first day
was, you know, like the first day.

It was like a shakedown
where you weed out
the malcontents.

Oh, good. I'd love to speak
to you for a few minutes
if you're not too busy and all.

- l-l...
- Well, sir, uh...

you said you wanted me
to show me that, uh,
piece of jade?

- You know what?
If you have work to do...

we'll do this
some other time.

- Yes, I do. l-l...
- Okay. Thank you.

Sorry, sir. That's
all I could think of
to extricate you.
