
Now you're so different.
You don't get it, do you?

You're my job.
You're what I'm paid to do.

You're about as mysterious to me
as a toilet is to a plumber.

Reasons for doing what you did?
Who gives a fuck?

Motivations are everything, Will.
What did you see through the fog?
I saw pretty clearly, didn't I?
I saw you take aim...

- Forget it.
...shoot your partner in the chest.

I heard him say,
"Get away from me!" Why?

Anything to do with
Internal Affairs investigation?

All that tension in your department?
- You think I'm that easy?
- I'm saying that's how it looks.

Maybe even how it feels.
How did it feel when you found
out it was Hap? Guilt? Relief?

Suddenly, you're free and clear. Did
you think about it before that moment?

What would it be like
if he wasn't there anymore?

Doesn't mean you did it on purpose.
You figure if you got something on me,
then I'll just roll over?

- Protect my reputation?
- No.

Protect your life's work.
The scumbags you put away will be back
on the street before you go on trial.

With Hap gone, you're free and clear.
Why mess with that?

Kay Connell. Remember her?
It's your choice.
Think of all the other Kay Connells.
Do the math. You're a pragmatist.
You have to be because of your job.
