Jason X

Not much Ionger and we'II be
at Earth Two.

Earth Two?
What happened to Earth One?

Yeah, weII, it's dead. The oceans,
the soiI, neither wiII sustain Iife.

Can I do anything eIse for you?
You wanna teII me what happened
down there?

I take it being stabbed and frozen
wasn't part ofyour pIan.

I'm a... I was a project Ieader
at CrystaI Lake Research.

The subject was Jason Voorhees.
Jason Voorhees?
Notorious murderer?
We executed him for the first time
in two thousand eight.

For the first time?
We tried everything. EIectrocution,
gas, firing squad.

We even hung him once.
Nothing worked.

FinaIIy, it was decided that
ifwe couIdn't terminate him,

we couId at Ieast contain him.
Cryogenic stasis. Freeze him untiI
we couId figure out what to do.

-Seems sensibIe.
-I thought so.

But unfortunateIy some peopIe who
were too smartfor their own good...

feIt that a creature that couIdn't be
kiIIed was simpIy too vaIuabIe...

tojustfiIe away.
In the end, it aIways comes down
to money.

How do you thank someone who
gives you back your Iife?

WeII, you're gonna be aIive
for a Iong time.

We'II figure out something.
Why don't you just admit it?
You want me.

I couId never be with a girI whose
baIIs are bigger than mine.
