Jason X

Guys, our star patient is back.
Rowan, this is Tsunaron and Janessa.


Hi. I see that my cIothes fit okay.
Oh, these are yours.
They're great. Thank you.

Whoa. What are those?
These are Janessa's Iove chiIdren.
You see now, it is that wit ofyours
that is what repeIs aII human femaIes.

And, ofcourse, you've met
Sergeant Brodski.

-Yes. Hi, again.

And this is the IoveIy Kay-Em Fourteen.
Tsunaron's IittIe Iove-bot.

Easy, Janessa.
Kay-Em is a knowIedge matrix android
that I have been programing.

-She Iooks so reaI.
-I am reaI.

-Professor, where do you want this?
-Uh, Iab two, I think.

-Thank you.

Where did you get that?
Uh, from your friend.
The big guy with the hockey mask.

-You brought him on board?
-He's in the next Iab.

-We're quite safe.

Our scans reveaI him to be very dead.
CouId your scans be wrong?
I think you shouId just get rid
of him, professor.

He's too dangerous.
WeII, that wouId be irresponsibIe
and fooIhardy.

He's a vaIuabIe scientific artifact
that must be carefuIIy preserved.

Much Iike yourseIf.
He is an unstoppabIe kiIIing machine.
He's not dead.

BeIieve me.
He's definiteIy dead.

Show me.
I'm putting us on Iock-down.
Attention, we have a hostiIe on board.
-Gruntteam, reportto weapons.
-The chick?

Repeat, we have a hostile on board.
Gruntteam, reportto weapons.
Everyone elsegetto lab one.
-Baby, I'm not ready yet.
-WeII, hurry up.
