Jason X

Yeah, but I got my groove on now.
You know what I'm sayin'?

So, what do you say next kiII wins?
Lock and Ioad, kiIIer.
You're goin' down.
You are so goin' down.

Whatthe hell?
-I thought this was an aIien sim.
-Yeah, it is.

Pause pIay.
I said, pause pIay.
-Uh, he's not pausing.
-Yeah, no kidding.

I think we need to reboot.
-That does not count as a kiII.
-Oh, yes it does.

Okay, screw this. Game over.
What the heII?
Hey, drop the kid!
Drop the kid! Now!

AzraeI, get outta here!
I got him! I got him!
AzraeI... I got no shot!

Sergeant Brodski.
Don't Ieave those kids aIone.
What the heII's the matter with you?

We are Iess than an hour from SoIaris.
They have seven...

fuIIy equipped tacticaI units
there that are more than...

capabIe oftaking care ofthis.
I say we wait and sedate him.
-I am takin' this guy out.
-Sergeant, I need him aIive.

No, you want him aIive, but what you
need is to get out of my way.

Look, there are other considerations.
FinanciaI considerations.
My onIy consideration is the safety
ofthe peopIe on this ship.
