Killing Me Softly

If anything else happens like this
again, make sure you tell me.

- Okay?
- Okay.

You'll be fine.
Do you, Alice, promise to love
and cherish Adam...

...for as long as
you both shall live?

I do.
And do you, Adam, promise
to love and cherish Alice...

...for as long as
you both shall live?

I do.
May the Lord bless this union and
secure it from all harm.

How do you know the priest?
This is my family church.
You have a family church?
I have a mother that doesn't talk
to me and a dad I've never met.

It doesn't matter. Our life began
when we first saw each other.

- I need you to see something.
- What?

No, no, no wait.
Now I want you to see this through
my eyes when I was six.
