Knockaround Guys

Do what the fuck you want.
HeIIo. My friend here
Iost a bag yesterday...

and I was wondering
if you'd be so kind--

Hey, you find that bag yet?
Like I said Iast evening,
I am the Iost and found...

and no bags have been turned in.
Louise, I know this is gonna
sound irreguIar...

but what was in that bag
was extremeIy important.

What I need from you is a Iist
of arriving passengers...

airport staff, home addresses...
phone numbers,
this sort of thing.

Sir, that is quite impossibIe.
WeII, I'm wiIIing to pay.
What I can do
is caII the sheriff...

and ask him to heIp you
with your search.

No, that's aII right.
CouId you teII me
who I can rent a car from?

You're taIkin' to her.
Look at this pIace.
Guys Iike us couId be
running it in a week.

First thing you do
in an open town...

is the controI the cart-out.
I'd put my name on every garbage
truck running through here.

Listen, someone's
got that money.

My uncIe, he says we got
to announce ourseIves to them...

make them want to find us.
Make them beg us
to take that money back...

they're so scared, so Iong as
we Ieave them the fuck aIone.

OK, how do we do that?
I don't know.
Like this:
