
Go on, then.
But be careful. And the tea!
Ask for tea.
Do you have any tea?
Yes, tea.

Don't have any?
That's okay. Thanks.

They have none... Tea, coffee.
Why not real sugar?

Where do I put this?
What's the matter?
I've made a mess!
The script for Roland Tual,
Love Letters.

He's expecting it tomorrow.
It soaks up like a blotter!
Look at that!

Hear that?
It's thunder.
Come over here!
Not thunder, planes.
Lots of them.

Only the Germans have planes.
They wouldn't bomb Paris,
they're in it!

No, it's freezing out!
I have to see!
They're far away, over the suburbs...
What is it?
It's coming from above.
What a sight!
What's that light? It's beautiful.
It's an air raid, all right.
- Close it! It's freezing!
- They're bombing!

Close your window, Mr. Jean!
The Brits are bombing Renault!
Close it, Jean!
Down we go!
Never any privacy!
First the champagne,
then the phone, and now planes!

I refuse to be seen in a shelter!
We're calmly going to do
what I came for.

Calmly? We're being bombed!
And if we're being bombed,
I can't do a thing.

Let me handle this.
