
Magnificent! A very fluid manner of...
Not only good taste and skill,
but a blend of virulence and grace,
a very personal grace,

a young lady's grace, a caustic grace...
You're a young lady, old man!
The end doesn't work.
I needed more time and money.

You know the producers.
Not yours, Continental's loaded.

Adrien is an accident.
Sure, bread and butter work.
As for money...

Like it?
"lmpatience and revolt..."
Wait till Vichy sees it.

- Did you like it?
- Yes, I did.

I love when she says
I want to be happy, not humble.

You'll have censorship problems, Bost.
And the Church may rate it a 5,
To be prohibited. Maybe worse.

There's worse than a prohibition?
A 6. Like for my film
A Life of Pleasure.

"Socially, morally
and religiously pernicious."

Do they burn the unlucky films?
Yes, and they shoot
the imprudent audiences.

You! Aren't you Pottier's assistant?
Yes, sir.
Le Chanois asked me to come tonight.

That's his business. Tell Pottier
I haven't finished the Maigret script.
Don't forget. I can't run after him.
She says it's a proud film.
Superb, isn't it?

Why's that, miss?
Because everyone faces up.
The young to their elders,
the servants to their masters.

And when Douce dies, it's sad,
but she wasn't happy with those people,
so better to die.
