Last Orders

:11:01's never gone anywhere, has it?
Still ain't a car built yet
that can beat a jam, is there, Big Boy?

Did Amy say why she ain't going and all?
Makes no difference, does it?
Jack's none the wiser.

I told Amy, if she wanted to scatter
the ashes in the cemetery garden...

...he'd be none the wiser, either.
-You an undertaker!
-You shouldn't judge.

-Ashes is ashes.
-And best to do things prompt.

-And wishes is wishes.
-How do we know he'll be none the wiser?

Not that I would have been such a fool
as to make such a wish myself.

Well, it weren't that specific.
What wasn't specific?
What he wrote. About his wishes.
He didn't say that Amy had to do it,
he just said what he wanted done.

Well, how do you know that?
"To whom it may concern.
"To whom it may concern.
"Last orders.
"...and my ashes taken forthwith...."
This is all a bit formal for old Jack, ain't it?
"From the end of Margate pier"?
Suppose he thought he'd get there
in the end. One way or the other.

When did he write it?
It was a couple of days before.
Well, why didn't he just tell you?
I suppose he thought
that I'd think he was joking.

I mean that way he makes it proper.
Well, if you want to do it, Amy,
I'll take you.

-What, in the old camper?
-Yeah, 'course.

I can't do it, Ray.
I mean, thank you, but...
...I don't want to.
It's a dying man's request, Amy.
Would you do it, Ray?
That way it gets done, doesn't it?
That way his last wish gets carried out.

It only says,
"To whom it may concern" anyway.

All right, I'll do it.
Yeah, 'course I'll do it. What about Vince?
