Last Orders

-Thanks, Dad.
-Turn that down.

Nice having you back for a few days.
-The trip was great. Andy was great.

You know he found out where they lived.
-Where who lived?
-Andy's family. Back in the past.

-Before they went to Australia.
-Yeah. Nice for you.

You going down to the Coach?
Yeah. The Coach ain't coming to me, is it?
Are you sure about Australia?
Ain't you got a home here?
And what about college? And teaching?
There's colleges in Australia.
And teachers in Australia.

But you don't know nothing
about Australia.

I'll find out, won't I? Andy will show me.
Yeah, I bet he will.
I could show him the back of my hand.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
There's your fare.
And don't you breathe a word about that.
Fifth at Chepstow. Silver Lord.
Came in by half a length.
I know, Dad. I know.
Thank you.
You're the best dad.
And don't you worry, I'll look after Sue.
I tell you, I'm feeling really in tune
now that I've been here to England.

You know, tapped into my roots.
I'm feeling so much more together now
because of...

...everything, you know, because of Sue.
Cheers, Mr. Johnson.
