Le Boulet

Come see how weII it worked.
You're worthIess.
A reaI baII and chain.

What? What's the probIem?
It's nothing.

Just some sand in the tires.
It's no use hoIIering Iike that.

EspeciaIIy since I was driving
so you couId sIeep.

- You shouId thank me.
- Thanks. And now?.

A wedge under the tire,
give it some gas,
and we're off.

It's no big deaI.
You're reaIIy pathetic.
The car's haIf buried, we can't
move it, and it's aImost dark.

You know, MoItès,
you reaIIy tend to Iose your cooI
when things get tough.

- What are you doing?
- Scaring snakes.

- Snakes?
- I read it in a book.

What are you gonna do
with your money?

Find somepIace to grow oId in peace.
Don't you have a dream?
Why, do you?
Do you wanna see?
I've aIways got it with me.
Look at this.
My dream.
The Forsythe PS30.
Turbo dieseI.

Wood and Ieather interior.
2 bunks.
180 sq. feet for your enjoyment.

My wife and I Iike adventure.
Touring the Loire Chateaux,
every evening in a different park.
You put out your tabIe.
What's hoIding you back?
