Le Collectionneur

This must have
cooled them right off.

We questioned them. but their
story's all over the place.

They're still shaking up.
We're trying to calm them down.

When they're ready.
I'll talk to them.

It’s not pretty.
I’ll wait for you up there.
Inspector Graham.
I've got some questions for you!

Not right now. Mr. Darveau.
Wasn’t this done by the same person
who killed Danais and Girard?

I’m sorry. I can’t answer.
When will you have answers?
The public’s entitled to know!

-In that case. phone my boss!
-For crying out loud! She’s hard!

-How are they?
-They’re calm enough to talk.

-May I ask you several questions?

Thanks very much.
Which one of you
saw the body first?

It was me. I mean. it wasn’t me.
We were sitting there.
on the floor…

and we heard this noise.
Someone was walking…

-And we…
-It sounded like a truck.

-We got nervous. scared.
-That’s okay. don’t feel bad.

So you heard the sound of walking?
I went to look…
