Liberty Stands Still

A-team, Liberty Wallace,
please let me introduce
you to Bill Tollman...

We're lucky to have
Bill join us...

He's ambitious, smart,
and for the most part...

I'm sorry...
And you are?
I'm Joe...
I'm out for vengeance...

Liberty needs forgiveness...
And we both need publicity...
Why me?
Your lucky day...
Why don't you bring
him up to speed, Liberty?

He's got a military-issue,
sniper rifle pointed right at you...

He's an ex cellent shot...
There's a bomb
in the hot dog cart...

It's set to blow, if my cell phone
battery dies, for any reason...

The bomb's big enough
to blow up this entire block...

Think Oklahoma...
That theater's going to let out
in less than an hour...

I have less than an hour
left on my battery...

I die either way...
Unless you get out
of here soon, so do you...

Aren't you
the Liberty Wallace of...

Any demands?
He wants...
He wants somebody to pay
for the death of his daughter...

Almost right...
Joe's daughter, died...
from a fucked up kid
with a gun...

It was a gun manufactured
by my company...

He wants me to die,
knowing I have blood on my hands...

Joe, you've got to rethink here...
This is crazy...
There's a real gun
pointed at you...

What I mean is,
there are other ways,

That's where you
come in, Bill...

You want me to use
my influence as a journalist,

to debate the right
to bear arms with you,

because you've got
a gun pointed at me?

I'm standing next to a bomb
that's on final countdown...

What happens when
all this is over?
