Love Liza

Do you have a Yellow Pages?
- Customer copy out at...
- It's all torn to shreds

- I apologize, but that's for customers
- Can I use your copy?

Sorry Convenience store next door
might have one

But you have one
Sir, I am sorry Try the next door
I just got finished eating
your bad pancakes

and got my plane stolen
out of my car in your parking lot

- Want me to call the police?
- No I want the Yellow Pages

What are you looking for?
- Planes
- Planes?

Yeah Model planes
You know, remote- Control planes

- Toy planes
- Yeah, toy planes

- You're not going to find anything
- Let me look

Let me look
You're not going to find it
There, you see that? You see that?
Yeah, one of your fucking friends
stole my plane

somebody who eats your bad food
all the time

That plane is going to ruin
this whole place

How's this?
