Love Liza

Hey! What are you doing here?
Not jumping in the lake,
pissing people off

That race will be disqualified
You have to leave!
- You have to leave
- He's all right

- This is great
- Are they together?

This woman made me eggs
Louis, call the cops
and get him out of here

No, he's sick
He's okay He's with me

No, I'm great
You can't just do anything you want
We have insurance rules we have
to abide by, and when they...

This guy's wife just died, okay?

She blew her head off, okay?
Now we'll be cool, okay?
Come on

- Strange seeing you here
- Yeah, well, I'm a member

- Yeah?
- Yeah

I wanna be a member
Can you sign up somewhere?

Well, I don't think
you could sign up now

What do you think?
Yeah, I guess
Here, check this out
That's yours?
- Check it out
- Wow!

- This is the bad-boy boat, Wilson
- Try it out yet?

- Did I try it out yet?
- Have you?

I won my prelim
Is that trying it out?

- What?
- My prelim

What's a prelim?
- I won my race
- You did! Really?

This morning
It's just a prelim

Quarters are today, 5:00
- This is in the quarters?
- Yeah

- You can't swim in the quarters
- I won't

- No swimming
- That's great

- 5:00
- Today
