Maid in Manhattan

Come on. Get your coat.
We gotta go.

-You have everything?

Hurry up, sweetie.
We're late.

Ty. Today,

You're killing me, Ty.
Right now, you're killing Mommy.

-Okay, let's go.
-lt's not my fault, Mom.

All right. You want to do
your speech for me?

Ty! Hello?
That's better.

You don't have to listen
to that 2 4 hours a day.

lt's Simon and Garfunkel.

That's why l tell you to tie your shoes.
l know. l'm sorry. Oh, my God.

-You can't just turn them off, Mom.
-l understand, baby. Come on.

-Careful of the puddle.
-Why'd they break up?

-Simon and Garfunkel.

You got me.
You can Google it at school.

Let's go.
Will l get in trouble
if l didn't give my speech?

Because l'm not
really feeling it.

What do you mean? You've been
working all summer on that speech.

-l can't wait to hear it.
-lt's boring.

Not to me or to abuela
or to your dad.

l thought we were
meeting him after.

No way. He's coming, and then you
guys are going camping. Remember?

He's gonna be late,
and then everyone will see.

Look, he knows what time it starts.
Don't worry, he'll be there.
