Maid in Manhattan

He works for Blanton Maddox...
...whose goal lately is
to catch me with another woman...

:35:06 his sleazy tabloid can say
that l've broken up with--

Your supermodel fiancée?
Oh, God! Ty!
-Come on!

-l just realized that you--
-Excuse me?

-Sorry, it's just that my face is--

-What's wrong with your face?
-lt's stuck to your--

What's that?
-Oh, God. Oh, God! Get it off.
-Here, let me. lt's okay.

Oh, my God! Did l get
anything on it? ls it okay?

lt's perfect.

Don't believe everything you read.
-Any of it true?

Well, we were seeing each other.
Now we're seeing less of each other.

lt's complicated.
l want to show you something.
Follow me.

Oh, God.
-Let me help you.
-l got it. lt's fine. l'm good.

Don't worry about me.
Look at that.
lt's like two different worlds.
-lnteresting perspective, huh?

And l'd like to point out
it's paparazzi-free.

You know when l come here most
is when l have to make a speech...

...and l get nervous.
-You get nervous?

See that?
Sometimes when l have
to stand up in front of people...

:36:38 heart kind of races,
and l can't remember my words.

-Same here. l know.
-Really? Same with you?

Wow. Well, in my business,
it's not a good thing.

-What do you do?
-What do l do?

l want to show you something.
l hold on to this.
