Master of Disguise

Mama! Papa!
HeavenIy Father, show me a sign.
I promise I'II never mock you again.

My famiIy is missing,
and I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do. I don't know
what to do. I don't know....

Can I heIp you?
-I came to heIp you, Pistachio.
-HeIp me what?

Find your mother
and your father. My son.

My father...
...your son.
HoIy cannoIi, you are my sister.
You don't have a sister, pea brain.
I'm your grandfather.

Yes, that was my next choice.
It's been 23 years.
How did you know I needed heIp?

That and more wiII be reveaIed shortIy.
But for now, Iet me in. I hunger.

So I come down from the rooftop.
I come home.

And there's no Mama, no Papa,
just ransackery.

-Did you ask Jeeves?
-Yes, but no such Iuck.

On the roof, did you hear something
that sounded Iike this:

Yes, exactIy that!
But without the pain on my face.
We have a cIue!
-I'm Iooking for my grandfather.
-Grandfather not here.

I'm sorry.
It's me, you idiot!
