Master of Disguise

Good. Who are you now?
The question is, who are you?
I'm Prince LaIi Jhamba
from the Ringy Dingy Heights...

...near Bombay, CaIcutta
and New DeIhi, India. India. India.

It is time to test that.
What is it?
That is a big reptiIe.
Not a probIem.

Oh, yes.
He wouIdn't hurt anybody now.

I'm going to caII him Buttercup.
So cute, eh?
God heIp me, I Iove it.
-Down, boy.
-A compIete transformation.

You Iike the cheese. Go get
the cheese. You know you Iove it.

Now, sometimes during your traveIs,
you may be required to defend yourseIf.

Disguiseys don't beIieve in hitting
with a cIosed fist.

AIways hit with an open hand.
Make your point,
but give the man his dignity.


EIbows in, extend.
-Now you try.
-EIbow in, extend.

Okay, sIappy-dummy man.
WeII, I think I've got--
Pistachio, no.
Learn to empty your mind.
AIIow Energico to fIow through you.

-Is there a mantra for the hitting?
-No! But to demoraIize your opponent...

...repeat the phrase,
''Who's your daddy?'' in mid-sIap.
