Master of Disguise

Did you see a dark-haired guy run by?
Dark-haired guy run by, chief?
Dark-haired guy go in the water.
Shark in the water.

FareweII and adieu...
:51:30 wee Spanish Iadies.
-What are you taIking about?

I'm taIking about a great white, chief.
Two ton of him.

Twenty, maybe 25-footer.
There's no shark here.
You sure about that, chief?
You ever seen a shark's eyes, chief?
Kind of Iike doIIs' eyes,
aII bIack and IifeIess-Iike.

Twenty nine kids go in the water.
Twenty two kids come out of the water.
The ice cream man, he take the rest.
ApriI the 9th, haIf past 4 p.m.
Wait. Show me your arm.
You want to see my arm, chief?
That's my arm right there, chiefy.

Stop becoming another person.
Stop becoming another person....

It is him!
I run away from the big bIue henchies!
-I stepped on a cow pie!
-Forget about it.

I toId you he wasn't here.
Let's go back.

Fresh air.
