Master of Disguise

And that's a Miss Jennifer Baker--
At her service....

In regards to Operation Minty Hippo.
Minty Hippo? What is that?
I'd teII you, but it'd be a reaI

...I need a CharIeston Chew.
Get it? Got it? Doubt it.

-It's time for you to go.
-Put a squeeze on your chat box.

-This is what you're doing.

This is what I want you to do.
Any questions?

-Did you just teII me to shut up?
-Yes, you catch on straightaway.

The muscIe. Yes, of course.
FamiIiar scenario.

You want to get physicaI?
A bIow to the dewy gumbeI
wouId start things.

FinaIIy, a smack to the didgy dodge.
Did someone yeII, ''Timber''?

Listen. It is okay.
I did receive a Ietter.
She received a Ietter.
Get it? Got it? Doubt it.

Good day to you, sir.
FoIIow them.
I beIieve that DevIin Bowman...
...has forced my papa to become
a Master of Disguise once more...

:56:21 order to steaI rare treasures
from around the worId.

My Disguisey instincts teII me
that they're in the mansion somewhere.

-My tight bIue sweater!
-Sorry, Trent.

-Trent? Who is this?
-Hey, baby. We were just--

Sophia! You, here, with Trent?
What are the odds?

Shut up, cIown.
-Leave him aIone, you buIIy!
-Don't worry.

-The sIapping time, she comes.
-I'm gonna enjoy this.

Pistachio, it demoralizes
your opponent...

:56:59 repeat the phrase,
''Who's your daddy?''
