Men in Black II

Computer, surveillance MiB.
MiB's locked down.
Computer, magnify. Times 10.
Communicator. Frank.
- Jay, where are you?
- We got flushed.

- MiB's code 101.
- Yeah, who did it?

Some hot-looking biker chick.
Want me to tail her?

- Stay where you are. I'll be in touch.
- Stay where I am. Easy for you to say.

- Find Kay?
- Neuralyzed.

- Not active. Civilian.
- What?

- He was...
- Here.

- To get...
- Deneuralyzed.

- Memory's shot. But we'll find him.
- Don't put anything in our ears.

What do you make of that?
Found it in my pocket. Weird, huh?

- Yeah, a smile.
- Is that the only deneuralyzer?

Officially. The plans leaked out
on the Internet.

Computer, Internet.
Perfect. It's an old friend.
Jay, ain't seen you in a while.
Did you peep that drop-top thing
out front?

My business is banging, dog.
You gotta check out the website.
It's Jeebsie dot...

Okay, whoa. He's retired, right?
We need the deneuralyzer.
- You're kidding.
- The metre's running, Jeebs.

Do you remember me?
Can't say I do.
I'm good with faces.

I think I'd remember that.
The great Kay's a neutral.
You're between me and my memories.
Do you have this deneuralyzer or not?

Fresh out.
Can't help you.
Don't got it.
