Men in Black II

You hid it here.
The worm guys.
Are you one of Newton's
friends from therapy?

- Yes, ma'am, I am. Look here, please.
- Would you like some mini-pizz...?

A neuralyz...
Okay, first, get some contact lenses.
Joints look like they pick up cable.
Second, take her to Cambodia. Get
her lobster. Pay more than a dollar.

Third, the second y'all get back
from Cambodia...

...move your bum ass
out of your mom's house.

- Let's go.
- Boy, you like 40 years old.

- Agent Jay?
- All right, all right.

And there ain't no such thing
as aliens or Men in Black.

- You wanna go to Cambodia?
- Yeah.

Hey, Mom?
Communicator, Jay.
- Laura, it's me.
- Jay, we're playing Twister.

What's up, Jay?
- Quit touching my butt!
- I thought it was your face.

They're good at this.
They don't have spines.

They were telling me about Oprah,
from Chicago.

Maybe landed in Chicago.
- Are you wearing a bracelet?
- Yeah.

Is it glowing?
- It's never done that before.
- We're on our way.

Communicator, Frank.
Deactivate the lockdown. We're headed
to the worm guys. We found the Light.

Got it, Jay. Scrad?
Why didn't you say I love you?
- He's a dog. I don't even like him.
- No, the girl. You're sweet on her.

That's why you didn't neuralyze her.
You got emotionally involved.

- Like you did with Lauranna?
- I put the entire planet in danger.

I don't want to see you
making my mistakes.
