Moonlight Mile

-- Ah, the man is hopeless!
-- Hello?

You know, last week, he actually
apologized to somebody

for not picking up
until the ninth ring.

I just want to put
a big banner over this house

that says "beg off."
Or maybe a T-shirt?
What do you think?

We're gonna be fine.
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you.

Sam Swanson checking up.
Checking up.
What are you
complaining about?

You were livid all day
because the Carlsons didn't
even ask about Diana.

That's right.
Well, which is it, Jo?
lt's both, Benjamin -- it pisses
me off when they ask about her,

and it pisses me off
when they don't,

and that is just
the way it is -- so there.

Don't shake your head.
You'd feel
the same way about it.

Starting tomorrow, we're all
gonna get a handle on it.

I made some appointments
for us.

I beg your pardon?
A stop at the bank
to close out Diana's paperwork,

Garfield's for the, uh,
bridesmaids' returns.

We're gonna get back on our
feet and come out swinging.

Did you have this typed up?
ls there an itinerary
we can follow?

Joe and I are gonna get
a jump on it

with a trip over
to Danvers in the morning.

-- Why?
-- Spring regional.

-- You're not serious.
-- Absolutely.

Oh, don't subject him
to that.

This is what?
Mulcahey's project is still
out there, Josephine.

lf I don't move now,
those Next Century
turncoat bastards will.

I was this close
to landing him before.

Lower your shoulders.
Time to see the boys.
We're not home!
Someone here to see you.
7 5.
You forgot one.
The address was on the back.
I-I thought you'd want it.
