Moonlight Mile

Joe, we are brothers.
I'm younger than you are.
I'm a man of your time.
What do we brothers.

S-- uh, so many things.
One thing -- one --

See, when I purchase
something at a wineshop

and then I get back
in my car,

drive one city block
to the hardware store,

only to find that I'm right back
behind that steering wheel,

scratching my ass,
I'm being robbed --
denied convenience.

My town
is now my prison.

The solution?
Be a man of the times,
not a thief of it.

Service my needs
and be gracious enough
to house them under one roof.

One roof.
One roof, one vendor,
one point of purchase --

an entire town's needs.
You're talking
all of Main Street retail.

See, Mom and Pop went to sleep
with the gas on.

They're over.
That's done.

To save a town like yours,
there's got to be a revolution.

I think
Joe understands this --

he and his brothers
on the streets.

Now, I, on the other hand,
am sitting here

because I can't tell those
Next Century bastards apart.

I don't get it.
We don't either.
But don't let me down.
There's a piece of it in there
for you if you're up to it.

The only question is,
can you deliver?

Now, guarantee --
they won't all fall that easy.

We have to do our homework --
tax rolls, comps --

get a pretty quick picture
of who's vulnerable.

Plan of attack.
I never had one of these.
Me either.
-- Nice, huh?
-- Mmm.

Oh, God, whatever you do,
don't tell JoJo.

I've been on her
for years about her smoking.
