
You left the door unlocked.
You shouldn't. Anyone. . .

What the fuck y'all doing
in my house, man?

No need to get up. We just. . .
-Hey, how's that?
-My fucking eyes, man.

There you go.
A spicy little. . .
How are you, my man? Let me see.
Take a fucking seat.

How you been, Deacon, good?
Jesus, do you still smoke the weed,
Deacon. You still sniffing glue.

Isn't this shit dated, dog? Fucked
with a bottle model glue a. . .

few years and sealed your sinuses
shut. You had to have them drilled.

Do you remember that, back in the
day. When you were still sucking. . .

back cans of hair spray? How're you
making your paper these days.

Six months old. Tighten auto. You
still stealing cars and. . .

-cutting them up or what, boss.
-Now I know your snitching, man.

You're that motherfucker, Grimmy,
Dirty Ed or some shit.

-Wrong answer.
-Fuck that, I seen you man.

You were that motherfucker hanging
around with Endo Joe and shit.

That's right. You know what
happened to him, right?

-He up in Jackson, man.
-No, no, no, he was.

See, he's dead now and he died
talking shit to some Aryans. . .

so they peeled him back and they
shanked his bitch ass 56 times.

We got a lot of pals like that,
don't we, huh?

I have to ask you about another dead
junky, named Dowd. You know him?

No? No? Are listening to me?
-Yeah, man.

You see, I do.
I know Dowd and I know Endo Joe.

I know what happened to that little
punk you used roll with, Jay-reed.

I know your daddy nicknamed you
Deacon, after Deacon Jones, cause
