Nicholas Nickleby

when he was with Vincent Crummles.
Boys, set the table at once!
We shall adjourn to the dining room.
My friend and I
shall try for a berth on a ship.

Does no other profession suggest itself
to a young man of your figure and bearing?

- I think the sea offers a great many...
- What about the stage?

- The stage?
- The theatrical profession!

I am in the theatrical profession myself.
My wife is in the theatrical profession.

My children are in the theatrical profession.
I had a dog that lived and died in it...
and the pony that pulled us here today
is third generation.

His mother could fire a pistol...
and get in bed wearing a nightcap.
there is tragedy in the family.
- In the pony's family?
- Yes.

The father drank.
Ended up in the circus...
drinking port wine with the clowns.
Got greedy, couldn't quit...
and choked on the bottle.
At any rate, I'd love
to bring you and your friend out.

He has a capital countenance!
Why, as he is now...
he would make such an apothecary
in Romeo and Juliet...

that he would be certain
of three rounds of applause...

the minute he put his face
out of the practicable door!

- And you!
- Me?

- You were born for the lamps!
- No, sir, I think...

You could be useful in a hundred ways.
You could write plays!

I dare say, I could scribble something,
now and then.

Whatever you write, please include a pump
and two washing tubs.

I just bought them at a sale.
Could I live by such a trade?
Like a prince!
With your own salary, and your friend's...

and your writing, you could make £1 a week!
With a good run of houses, double that.
