Nicholas Nickleby

My father told me that the great journey
of my life would be to find such a person...

but I'm nearly 20 years of age,
and I fear he may be wrong.

- I hope not.
- I hope not, too.

May I ask you why you were so upset seeing
that savage come through the trapdoor?

You asked me yesterday if I had a memory
about my life before Yorkshire.

There is but one thing I remember.
It was the room in which I was kept.
It was a lonesome room
at the top of a house.

There was a large black hook
that hung down from the ceiling.

Underneath it was a trapdoor.
I was so afraid of what might be
on the other side...

that there was not a single night
I did not cover my head in the bedclothes.

So today, when a door so very like it
opened in the dark before me...

I could not watch what came out of it.
Carry on.
We have fallen on strange times.
but wondrous strange.
- What's come then?
- I have.

- What else?
- A letter, marked:

"Urgent, as well as extremely important."
It's from the Squeers.
Doubtful. It's perfumed.
"Dear Mr. Knuckleboy, sir.
