
ID and tickets!
Can we work something out,

Alcohol is forbidden
in public places.

I'm reporting you to your superiors.
I like the honest look
of men in uniform!

- How'd you like 2 weeks in jail?
- Not at all.

Did my husband send you?
Leave them alone.
It's OK, I'm going.
Wake up. Come on,
up you get, darling.

- Who are you?
- Don't you recognize me?

I don't know you.
Oh, come off it!
You're just like all the rest:

A quickie, then so long!
- A quick what?
- What?

- I don't remember...
- You promised to marry me.

Well, it's very simple:
I'm filing a complaint.

You'll soon know what hit you!
You forgot your promise,
but you won't forget me!

I can promise you that!
- Did it work?
- You bet!

A ticket inspector wife
has many advantages:

First of all,
she's almost always absent.

The uniform is supplied.
Oh, I nearly forgot:
when her husband dies,

a ticket inspector can
transport the body for free
anywhere in the USSR

to have him buried.
Are you pulling my leg?
