
I have my glove,
Lomonossov has his ruble,
and we're quits with Customs.
What a magician!
What sleight of hand!

I didn't see a fucking thing!
You sure thought about this,
didn't you?

But what's in it for you?
The bank the duty goes through
will be mine.

And I'll take a small percentage,
a tiny amount

on every transaction.
That's all.

He came up with that
in 3 minutes.

Genius. Sheer genius.
Our teachers called him "Platosha"
in front of everyone

to show that they were his equals.
But there's no such thing
as equality.

What did you have to do
with Koretski?

A lot, unfortunately.
But wasn't Belenki
from the Kremlin, too?

You see,
you have 2 hands,
the left and the right, don't you?
the Kremlin has dozens of hands.

Like the Hindu goddess, Shiva.
And all those hands
are greedy.
They're... extremely greedy.
Sometimes, the left hand
wants to steal the steak

off the right hand.
You're the steak?
Not only me.
Here comes the bastard.
1 year before Plato's death
Listen carefully to my boss.
You listen carefully to mine.
How can an officer like you
help a crook rob the country?

A hero of Afghanistan!
You'd have been court-martialed.

Oh, were you there?
You goddam draft dodger!
