One Hour Photo

Hi, Sy.
I thought you said
you were going out today.

Uncle Sy.
Can you help me
put this together?

Sy: How many prints
would you like of these?

Just one set.
Maya, that's a very
beautiful name.

Thank you.
Have you ever picked up
prints here before?

I think maybe once.
It was a long time ago.

Your face
looks very familiar.

You work around here?
Sorta near here.
I've probably seen you
around the mall.

I'm in here pretty often.
Well, we're a little
backed up today.

Is 6:00 okay?
I probably won't be able
to pick them up

till tomorrow
or the next day.

See you then.
[Whistle Blows]
Come on, a little hustle!
A little hustle!

All right.
Here we go. Right there.
Come on.

Good shot. That's the way
to strike the ball.

You gotta get
in front of those, son.

Jake, I want you
to drill it, all right?

Visualize where
you want the ball to go

and drill it.

Sy: Good one,Jake.
that's not good enough.

We're gonna
have to work on that.

All right? All right.
Pay attention, fellas.
A little focus.

Drill it in there, Matt.
Come on!

Good shot. Good shot.
