Panic Room

Come on. Come on. Jesus fucking Christ.
We got a problem! We need to talk!
lt's about time. l'm freezing
my tits off out there.

-Who is that?
-This is Raoul.

Who the fuck is Raoul?
Raoul is okay. Raoul has experience.
-Where'd you get him?
-Through some people.

Open the fucking door.
No shit.
What is this?
There's a girl on the top floor,
a woman on the third. They're asleep.

They're not supposed to be here.
-This is your department, Junior!
-They are not supposed to be here!

Videotape. We're on videotape.
We've been on videotape since we got here
and the tapes are upstairs.

-14-day escrow.
-You fucked me!

14-day escrow! That's almost 3 weeks!
They should not be in for another week!

Exactly how is 14 days three weeks?
Business days.
Escrow is always business days.

Five-day weeks always!
l'm out of here.
Just wait a minute. Wait a minute!
We can handle this.
Can we still handle this?

lt's just a woman and a kid?
-Unless Daddy comes home.
-He's not.

They're divorcing. Daddy's banging some
B model on the Upper East Side.

lt's just her and the kid!
Now, can we do this?
Yeah, we can do it.
Not with people here. And not with me.
