Pietje Bell

Buy a new hat with this.
- Thank you.

Dad, I can't find my watch...
He smashed a gold watch
on a piece of rock.

What did you say?
- It was a real laugh.

It's unheard of!
I mean to say! Unheard of!

Your dear son set fire
to the sawmill.

The whole city is talking about it.
What a mess!

Heavens above.
Was anyone hurt?

No, they weren't.
But it was one gigantic mess!

My son Joseph saw everything.
He'll grow up to be a crook.
I'm glad he's not my son! My Joseph...

Shut up about your Joseph.
I'm looking for Pietje Bell.

We've set sail.
Can you see skyscrapers?
No, I can see two men.
Grab a rope from the fo'c'sle.
Tony, come quick!
What are you screaming about?
Keep quiet.

There's someone there.
I felt a hand.

Clock, Clock, Clock...
Had too much to drink?
- No, I'm sure.

It may be a policeman.
Or a grass...

If they catch us, we'll get ten years.
- Can you shout it any louder?

If only we had a gun.
A gun...
What rubbish...
Honest skippers like us
never carry guns:
