Red Dragon

that off our target
is not collecting body part
he is not keeping them
he is eating them
here listen, we are Moly's
parents ofthese years

and Moly's dad showing my
son how to cut a chicken

i never heard that expression
that before

and suddenly, i have a flash
ofthe third victim

Darxy Taylor, she is missing
her flash from her back

and then he hit me
liver, kidney, tongue,
everything single victim
are somebody part

used to cooking
are you sure?
i want to see things first
but i am late

i know i am right
i started to feel like this one
i do suspected this much
no, no, this is different
more realistics than our imagination
you are able to assume the
the most part point of view
that people might scared ofyou
i love to get you in my couch
something still doesn't make sense
you are the best friend i
have ever know

somehow this possibility
never occur to you

i am only human
perhaps i make a mistake
you don't make experiment mistake
i am sorry not enjoying of
your full confident

no, no, i didn't say that
i don't know what i am saying
i am very tired
i almost had it
