Return to Never Land

[Hook cries]
All right. I give up.
What's your problem?
All I've ever wanted...

was to get away
from this dreadful place.

And home
to my dear, sweet mother.

But blast it all...
Peter stole my treasure,
and my men would mutiny...

if I so much as tried
to leave without it.

So here I am.
Stuck in this absurd place.
Oh, oh, oh.
tell me you wish
to return home as well?

Huh, you got that right.
I guess we're in the same boat.
[Gulps] The same boat!
That's it!
[Gasps] W-what's it?
I'll give you passage home
on my ship...

and you can help me
recover my treasure.

Oh, don't you see?
The treasure's
useless to Peter.

He's not sensible
like you and I.

He's just a boy
who'll never grow up.

Hmm. Tell me about it.
HOOK:And, really,
what other choice do you have?

It's not as though
you could fly home.

Hmm, well, I suppose.
If it is rightfully yours.
And if it's really
no use to Peter...

Splendid, splendid!

You must swear
not to harm Peter.

Me? Actually harm Peter Pan?
Perish the thought.

It's all a game, you see:
I shan't harm him.
You have my word.

"l, Captain James Hook...
"do hereby swear...
"not to harm a single hair
on Peter Pan's head."

HOOK:Y: ou see?
Ironclad, unbreakable:

Leave the light on, Mommy...

your baby boy's coming home.
Now, when you've
located the treasure...

just give this a wee toot.
