Return to Never Land

We'll do anything for you.
Ha ha. Honest.
Anything at all!
You just name it.

Well, um...
why don't we play a game...

like, maybe...treasure hunt!
Treasure hunt?
That's a great idea!

But you'll have
to think like a Lost Boy.

-And have fun like a Lost Boy!

Tell me what to do.
[Peter crows]
to be one of us...
There are some things to know.
What's that?
We like to dream all day
And then at night we play
We swing on limbs of trees
Till we wake up the bees
These are the things
we Lost Boys do

We swing from rope to rope
We have no use for soap
With open mouths we chomp
On mud ples from the swamp
And then we top It off
With pudding from a trough
These are the things
we Lost Boys do

We're rolling In dirt
And we won't
change our shlrt

Ha ha!
We're marching around
To see what makes a sound

[Bent twang]
[Musical roar]

[Steel drum notes]
[Honking and drumming]
Dare you to throw that rock!
I'll get a triple skip!
PETER:Dare you
to explore that cave

JANE: I'll have
an overnight trip!

And If you're
feeling scared

I'll have my friends
rlght there

These are the things
we Lost Boys do
