Rue des plaisirs

The Romanian's after you.
He's upset.

What Romanian?.
Yes. What Romanian?.
That one.
Find him.
Did they find him?.
We warned her
he was a dark horse.

Did they find him?.
Guys like him
always get found eventually.

Although he never slept
in the same place twice.

I'm cold.
Come here.
Will you always hold me like this?.
Let me stay here.
Right here.
Who were those two guys?.
Which guys?.
The two in the cinema.
They were guys from before.
Before what?.
Before you.
Before you, my life
was a rough draft. A scribble.

If I hadn't found you...
If I hadn't found you
I'd have been a murderer,

carving up women.
I'd have taken your legs from one...
your mouth from another...
your eyes...
your ass...
your arms...
