Run for the Money

-I love you too, Rock.
-Smoke that.

I love you, baby.
-Kill the lights.
-Kill the lights.

I’m serious.
What the fuck is that?
-They’re marked.

What is this, Taylor?
What’s going on?
The money’s part of
a Fed operation.

I want my cut.
-Wanna get cut?
-Lay off him.

-Get off me.
-Everybody chill out.

I’m not going to prison.
-I wanna get my cut.
-Shut the fuck up.

They’re all marked.
We can’t pass them.

-We’ll have to clean them.
-Where’re we gonna clean them?

A guy I worked with before,
but it’s gonna cost. Heavy.

-Real heavy.

Is Nikita around?
Nikita, it’s for you.
Good morning.
My name is Jose.

-I sell oranges.
-This is a prayer meeting.

-I say my name is Jose.
-Jose, fuck off.

-We’re in a meeting.

You’re back from Siberia.
