Russian Ark

It's not here
No, that painting isn't here...
Not part of the Tsar's collection
Yes, it's here
That particular Rubens is not here!
Yes, it was
from Lord Walpole's collection

Like "The Virgin with Partridges"
But that Rubens isn't on exhibit
But it's here
- Where are you?
- What a wonderful scent!

The scent of oils...
Sir, let's leave here now
No, let's stay a while
What wonderful paintings!
What are those men counting?
You were right. I found it
Let's take a closer look
There it is
We're almost there.
Face the painting directly

There it is
Yes, there it is
- Something to say about Rubens?
- Van Dyck...

Rubens considered Van Dyck
to be his best pupil

You know, there was a time
when all these paintings...
